Privacy & Policy

Your information will always be protected, according to Newtone Advertising. You can be confident that your information will only be used in accordance with our privacy policy if we ask you for information that lets us identify you when you use our official website, newtoneadvertising

By periodically updating this page, Newtone Advertising reserves the right to make changes to its privacy practices. To make sure you are aware of any updates, we ask that you check it frequently.

What information will we collect:

Newtone Advertising may compile the following data:

“Your Name
Contact information include an email address and phone number
Postcode, interests, and preferences are examples of demographic data
Other Data Required for Customer Surveys
Personal Profile

Cookies and Tracking:

Cookies are small files that request permission to be saved on the hard drive of your desktop or laptop. The files are added when you select ‘accept’. These cookies assist us with traffic analysis and let us know when you visit a specific website. Web programs can respond to you fast and uniquely thanks to these little files. The web applications can further customize their functions based on your demands, likes-dislikes, and preferences by gathering and retaining information about your individual interests.
To determine the specific page you are using, we employ cookies from traffic logs. This allows us to examine web traffic data and enhance our site to match it to the changing demands of our clients. Your information is only used by us for statistical analysis. After that, we delete the data from our system.
To summarize, cookies assist us in improving our services by allowing our team to monitor the most and least viewed pages. These cookies provide us no access to your computer or laptop, or any information about you other than the information you choose to share with us.

Your rights:

The right to access the personal information we have acquired about you.
The right to know what personal information we have collected about you, including the categories of personal information, the sources of the personal information, the business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling, or sharing personal information, and the categories of third parties to whom we disclose the personal information.
The right to know whether and to whom your personal information is sold or given.
The right not to have your personal information sold.
The ability to refuse the exchange of personal information.
The right to request that we erase all or portion of your personal information.The right not to be discriminated against because you exercised your privacy rights.
even if you exercise your right to privacy, you should get the same level of service and price.
The right to request that we transfer your personal information that we have gathered about you to another provider (where technically feasible).
The right to request that we update any information we have gathered about you.
The right to withdraw your consent to data processing.
the right to request that we limit how we use your data.
The right to file a complaint with the appropriate authorities about our data collection, sharing, and processing.

Changes to the Privacy Policy:

We retain the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. All modifications to this Privacy Policy will be posted on our Website, via a blog post, email, or any other way we determine, and will be marked at the top of the Site’s Privacy Policy page by its Effective Date.

Contact or complaint:

If you have any queries regarding this Privacy Statement, please contact us at, or you can call us on +91 9891213155